Logo Nizamia Andalusia School


In KB-TK Nizamia Andalusia we are committed to nurturing the children's development in the early childhood stages they are in. Through fun learning programs, we encourage children to grow and explore their interests, talents, and creativity to prepare them for their next educational journey. Through their classes, our students are being introduced to various subjects like English, math, science, Islamic religion, Iqra, ICT, Montessori, music, physical education (PE), and Bahasa Indonesia. The subjects are given according to the children's age and their development stage. Since 2003, our teachers and staff in KB-TK Nizamia Andalusia are working closely together to provide a wonderful learning experience for the students by providing a joyful, safe, and loving school environment. For further info, please contact our staff through Whatsapp on these following numbers: KB-TK : 0877-3155-0045


Zakiyah, S.Pd
Zakiyah, S.Pd

Kepala Sekolah TK

Listya Astuti Ulfah, S.Pd
Listya Astuti Ulfah, S.Pd

Wakil Kepala Sekolah Bidang Kesiswaan TK

Fian Khamil Arifin, S.Hum
Fian Khamil Arifin, S.Hum

Wakil Kepala Sekolah Bidang Kurikulum TK

Siti Farhana, S.Pd
Siti Farhana, S.Pd

Wakil Kepala Sekolah Bidang Kurikulum TK
